Destined For Travel: Georgian Mountains. There and back again.

The day you stop moving is the day the world stops turning. Our DNA contains the…

Super Couchsurfer Alejandro pays help and kindness forward as a CS host

Welcome to the Super Couchsurfer Spotlight: where we feature some of the most active members in…

For Super Couchsurfer Martin, Hosting on CS is Like Traveling Without Leaving Home

Welcome to the Super Couchsurfer Spotlight: where we feature some of the most active members in…

Ask Couchsurfing: Tips for Budget Travelers

Ask Couchsurfing: Where we answer your questions about CS and traveling. Check out our Instagram and…

Super Couchsurfer Espe has been traveling solo for years, but thanks to CS, has never felt lonely

Welcome to the Super Couchsurfer Spotlight: where we highlight and get to know some of the…

Nikita, Super Couchsurfer from Belarus, shares his best tips for traveling through Couchsurfing

Welcome to the Super Couchsurfer Spotlight: a space for us to highlight and get to know…

Facebook Login Currently Unavailable

There is currently an issue accessing Couchsurfing through Facebook. This impacts both new and current members.…

By quitting his corporate job to travel the world, Super Couchsurfer Franz discovered CS

Welcome to the CS Superuser Spotlight, where we highlight the most active ambassadors and members in…

Ask Couchsurfing: How Have You Changed?

Ask Couchsurfing: Where we answer your questions about CS and traveling. Check out our Instagram and…

Ask Couchsurfing: What Can’t You Travel Without?

Ask Couchsurfing: Where we answer your questions about CS and traveling. Check out our Instagram and…