Welcome to the Super Couchsurfer Spotlight: where we feature some of the most active members in the Couchsurfing community. Every month we highlight two Couchsurfers who play a huge part in hosting, surfing, and/or event organization.
This month, we’re introducing you to Alejandro (@alelunanomada), a Couchsurfer and Ambassador from Patagonia, Argentina.
When Alejandro first came across Couchsurfing, he discovered an entirely different world of travel. He realized how open, kind, and trust-worthy people in the CS community were. Because of all the kindness he received from this community during his own travels, he makes an effort to pay that same kindness and helpfulness forward as a CS host. In the interview below, he shares about his Couchsurfing journey and experiences, as well as tips and advice he has for people that want to get more involved with hosting.

How long have you been a Couchsurfing member? How did your journey as a Couchsurfer begin?
[ENG] I’ve been Couchsurfing since May 2014, thanks to my Argentinian friend, Sergio, who’s a great traveler that now lives in Ireland. He was using Couchsurfing and explained to me how it worked. I was amazed at how successful a platform like this was. My CS journey began in Brazil. It was a great experience to discover what Couchsurfing was since it’s a totally different world of travel. People are more open, trustworthy, and locals help you with a lot of information and make you feel at home.
[SPA] Estoy en couchsurfing desde mayo del 2014, gracias a mi amigo Argentino, Sergio, que es un gran viajero el vive en Irlanda y estaba usando couchsurfing me explicó como funciona y yo quede asombrado de exitas una plataforma así. Mi viaje comenzó en Brasil en el mundial. Fue una gran experiencia descubrir lo que es couchsurfing ya que es un mundo totalmente distinto para viajar las personas son más abiertas y confiables, los locales te ayudan con mucha información y te sientes como en casa.

Why do you choose to be a host in the CS community?
[ENG] The truth is that I saw that it was an opportunity to help change the world by helping travelers from all over the world. Even if they traveled in their motorhome, I understood that they may already have everything. But it is always nice to find locals who can give information, help wash their clothes, share a cup of coffee, and obviously give back what Couchsurfing gave to me during my travels. I was treated very well. I am very happy to be a part of Couchsurfing and be a representative as a CS ambassador.
[SPA] La verdad es que vi que era una oportunidad para ayudar a cambiar el mundo ayudando a los viajeros de todo el mundo. Así viajen en su motorhome entendí que ellos pueden tener todo, pero siempre es bueno encontrar locales para darles información, ayudar a lavar su ropa, compartir una taza de café, y obviamente devolver lo que couchsurfing me dio mediante mis viajes. Fui tratado muy bien. Estoy muy contento de ser parte de Couchsurfing y ser un Representante como Embajador en Couchsurfing.

Do you have any tips for people that want to start hosting?
[ENG] My advice is to keep in mind that all experiences are different, since no one is the same as anyone else. If by chance you happen to be new to Couchsurfing, don’t think that all travelers are the same. Another recommendation is to make the rules of your house very clear. Ensure that your guests have read your profile in detail (maybe include a keyword that proves they’ve read everything) so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. It is also very important in references to say share the details of what you experienced hosting, even whether it is positive or negative, because that will help future travelers and yourself.
[SPA] Mi consejo es que todas las experiencias son distintas ya que nadie es igual a nadie, y si por casualidad les toca vivir una experiencia siendo nuevos en couchsurfing, les digo que por culpa de una persona viajere. No crean que todos los viajeros sean iguales. Otra recomendación es dejar bien en claro las normas de tu casa, siendo muy claros pidiendo que lean detallado el perfil con una palabra clave así no se genera malos entendidos en el futuro. Siempre en las referencias es muy importante decir cada detalle de lo vivido, así sea algo positivo o negativo ya que eso ayudará a futuros viajeros y te ayudará a ti mismo.

Is there one specific hosting experience that stands out the most to you?
[ENG] The vast majority of my CS experience have been positive. I’ll share two that stand out the most though. In 2016, I didn’t have money. My credit card didn’t work, I was very hungry and tired, and I obviously felt very bad. I sent many requests but no one answered. At 1:00am, a guy named Rodrigo from Brazil wrote to me that he saw a last-minute request for a stay. I was about 5km from his house and he went to look for me on a very cold night. He gave me food, a place to sleep, and the next day, I bought a ticket to reach my destination. Once my card began working normally again, I asked him for his account number to pay him back but he refused the money. He told me that he had experienced something similar when he went to Paris but he never received help. Obviously, I will always consider that a positive experience in my life. We have to do things like this, even for strangers, so the world can be a better place.
The other experience was when I received a couple of Brazilian guests, Nivalda and Grebori. They were very nice people with pure hearts, educated, clean, and emanated a lot of confidence and had good energy. We talked a lot. They were new to Couchsurfing and I explained to them that we have to help travelers in this community. It was exciting to receive a message from them just yesterday telling me that when they were going to Ushuaia. On their way, they saw a backpacker walking alone in the opposite direction that they were heading, yet they turned around and offered help, water, and food to this backpacker. Grebori told me they were very happy to help and they appreciated my advice.
[SPA] La gran mayoría de experiencia fueron positivas pero voy a decir 2. Estaba sin dinero en el año 2016 y mi tarjeta de crédito no funcionaba. Estaba con mucho hambre, cansado, obviamente me sentía muy mal. Envié muchas solicitudes pero nadie respondió. Siendo las 1 de la madrugada un chico de nombre Rodrigo de Brasil me escribió que vio tarde mi solicitud de estadía. Yo estaba a unos 5km de su casa y el fue a buscarme en una noche muy fría me dio comida un espacio para dormir. Al otro día me compro un pasaje para llegar a mi destino, yo una vez que mi tarjeta funcionaba normal pedí su número de cuenta para devolver todo y el se negó a recibir mi dinero. El me dijo que el vivió algo similar al llegar a París, pero nunca recibió esa ayuda. Obviamente siempre tome eso como una experiencia positiva para mi vida y siempre les digo a las personas que aloje o ayudo en la calle, ustedes igualmente tienen que hacer algo así con una persona extraña así el mundo será mucho mejor.
La otra fue recibir a una pareja de brasileños, Nivalda y Grebori. Personas muy agradables de corazón puro, educadas, limpias, que me trasmiten mucha confianza, y buena energía. Hablamos mucho. Ellos son nuevos en couchsurfing y le explique esto de que hay que ayudar a los viajeros. Me emocionó recibir un mensaje justo ayer me decían qué yendo para Ushuaia vieron a un mochilero caminando solo en dirección contraria a su destino Ushuaia. Ellos dieron la vuelta y brindaron ayuda con agua y comida a este mochilero. Entonces Grebori me dice que se sintieron muy felices de poder ayudar, y agradrcieron mi consejo.

What recommendations do you have for people traveling to your city?
[ENG] For travelers coming to this area, I recommend visiting Rada Tilly. There is a reserve called Punta Marqués where you can see a variety of whales, sea lions, foxes and much more. I usually go to the beaches to clean up a bit to help the planet. I usually find injured animals such as penguins, seagulls, sea lions, and elephant seals with some oil, hooks or nets on their bodies. Helping Earth is an activity that I like to do. If someone wants to join, it would be great. I also recommend going to places outside of the city. There is a long trek where you can see a cave, parrots from Patagonia, Argentina, and guanacos.
[SPA] Para los futuros viajeros, les recomiendo visitar Rada Tilly. Hay una reserva de nombre Punta Marqués para ver variedad de ballenas lobos marinos zorros y muchas cosas más. Yo suelo ir a las playas a limpiar un poco para ayudar al planeta. Suelo encontrar animales heridos como pingüinos, gaviotas, lobos marinos, y elefantes marinos con algunos anzuelos petróleo o red en su cuerpo. Tierra es una actividad que me gusta hacer. Si alguien se quiere unir seria genial.
Igualmente voy para lugares fuera de la ciudad se llamaría km20 es un trekking largo y se puede ver una cueva, loros de la Patagonia, Argentina, y guanacos.

Hosting on Couchsurfing is an amazing way to make friends out of strangers, share your life and experiences with fellow travelers, and learn about new cultures while also teaching others about your own.
Ready to become a host and join an incredible global community of caring and like-minded travelers? Sign up here now! Once you join, you’ll not only be able to host travelers from all around the world, but you’ll also stay with locals and attend Couchsurfing events across the globe.