A Couchsurfer’s guide to… Sevilla

Daniel, our CS Ambassador in Sevilla, gives us his tips to getting the most out of…

A Couchsurfer’s guide to… Ankara

Our Ambassador in Ankara, Turkey tells us his favorite places to help you get the most…

Museums open their virtual doors

Stuck indoors? Check out the world's most famous museums online!

A Couchsurfer’s guide to… Kolkata

Our CS Ambassador in Kolkata, Viv, gives us his favorite places and must-see foods for your…

10 films to satisfy your travel itch

A well made movie can transport you to a different place, time and body. Here are…

A Couchsurfer’s Guide to… Oslo

Check out our Ambassador Mads' recommendations to getting the most out of your next trip to…

A Couchsurfer’s guide to… Yosemite National Park

Find out the best places in Yosemite National Park to make the most of your trip…

A Couchsurfer’s guide to… Nuremberg

By: Vanessa Best breakfast in town! I like the Katzentempel because they have interesting dishes, very…

A Couchsurfer’s guide to… Banjarmasin

See the capital city of the southern point of Borneo through the eyes of a local.

People are good

Read Christine's horror story and how one Couchsurfer restored her faith in humanity.