10 Questions with a CS Ambassador: Cynthia

Meet Cynthia who has traveled to 7 continents, 109 countries, 50 US states. Find out what…

We Will Meet Again

The idea was simple, the result was extraordinary. A group of 4 Ambassadors contacted Couchsurfers all…

Carpe Diem: Sou’s first Couchsurfing adventure

I was reading The Magic by Rhona Byrne for the second or third time, Day 1…

10 Questions with a CS Ambassador: Nadia

Meet Nadia, a nomadic CS Ambassador living in Saarbrucken!

Running from lockdown: How one Couchsurfer ran a marathon in his living room

Jean Marc, our Country Ambassador in Spain, runs a marathon in his living room, to raise…

10 Questions with a CS Ambassador: Habib

Meet Habib, an Ambassador in Karachi, Pakistan!

Turn left: An extraordinary experience

Read one family's story about discovering Couchsurfing, and how their first surfer showed just how small…

Grounded Nomad’s First Time Hosting

Meet CT and read why he decided to start hosting when he found himself in a…

10 Questions with a CS Ambassador: Agus

Meet Agus, our Couchsurfing Ambassador in Bangkok.

5 ways to use Couchsurfing without leaving your home

Couchsurfing is a vibrant community, both on and off line. During this time of limiting social…