Product Update: Share your favorite places to go!


Ditch the guidebook and find the places that Couchsurfing hosts and travelers recommend and enjoy!  With the new Favorites tab on your profile, you can now create a personal guidebook to share your favorite places with your guests and friends.

Where are your favorite places to go?

My Local Favorites

You’re an expert in your city – share the wealth! Click Add a Favorite Place to share your favorite place to cross-country ski, the best curry stand, and your favorite hike. Don’t forget to leave a tip to let everyone know what you love about that place.  

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My Travel Favorites

After you come back from your trip, you can also share the best spots from your trip in the My Travel Favorites section of the Favorites tab. When your friends are headed to the same destination, they’ll be able to check out all your favorite places, and read your insider tips.

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Need ideas?

Figuring out the best places to go is hard, especially when you are in a new city.  Find hosts that you have a lot in common with, and see the places they frequent! You’ll hear about cool restaurants, favorite spots to fish, and the best place to find a warm gulab jamun. Have questions? Message your host to ask them for more advice.  Favorites is a great ice breaker that will bring you one step closer to making a new friend.

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