I was born in central Canada in Ontario, and my family moved out west. I’ve always been between the two oil cities of Edmonton and Calgary, but at some point I’d like to return home to Toronto. My current job is in municipal transportation and has been for nearly 11 years at this time. Working for this division of the government allows me to provide CS’ers with the best possible information for knowing and traveling the city. It’s been a great job, and a great fit for what I can contribute to each and every surfer I host as well as every event that I organize as well.
How I got into couchsurfing… Ireland (2013). While on computers N. America displays calendars different then in the UK, and EU… I ended up checking into a hostel in Dublin one day later than planned. Being my first international trip, and not making my booking… I was freaking out without a place to sleep. When I was having the hostel receptionist check on my reservation, I stated to her “If you don’t have a bed, I’m screwed” and as she was at her computer… some guy walked by down the hall and said “Why don’t you do couchsurfing?” to which I responded “What’s couchsurfing?” and the receptionist then found my reservation.
After I returned to Canada, I investigated and did my research on what couchsurfing was because the term had stuck in my head. I never in my wildest dreams thought there was such a community out there. It has yielded me a lot of great friendships from so many countries that I’ve traveled and hosted from as well.
For myself, hosting is also a privilege. I see it as an opportunity to make a positive contribution on a person’s journey, and the chance to instill with them unforgettable great memories while you’re in not only your home, but your local city.
How CS has changed my life… besides the wonderful people and incredible friendships I’ve formed. I took my activity in CS to the next level in 2018 by becoming a City Ambassador. I was already organizing and hosting local events, and engaging with the community and after nearly two years… my events had a great following. In 2019, when Canada’s Country Ambassadors stepped down for their own reasons… I then inquired to the CS community leader and then assumed that position.
Being the Country Ambassador for such a distinguished recognizable reputable Large Country like Canada in which has so much to offer was a great challenge and responsibility. But it also a great many rewards, as we are in a country that has SO much to offer travelers.
I have had the privilege of inheriting some great city ambassadors that I was aware of when I got involved in the Ambassador program in 2018. However as the Country Ambassador, I took the approach of elevating local communities across Canada to a whole new level. I look to aspire and challenge myself to be a pillar for the CS community, and inspire others through my commitment, conviction, and by possessing the foundation and constitution of building from the ground up not only great local CS communities, but also a great global CS community as well.
I cannot give enough praise and respect to the team that is currently assembled of City Ambassadors here in Canada. They are the fundamental backbones of their communities, and they deserve all the respect and credit that the position earns.
Hands down, I feel humbled to be associated with each and every one of these incredible people for whom I look forward to continuing our involvements, engagements, and friendships in the future. I can’t say enough about all of them, and their own contributions for the CS community.