10 Questions with a CS Ambassador: Hasan

Name: Hasan
City: Karachi, Pakistan
Years on CS: 1.5

Hi Hasan! So how did you first learn about Couchsurfing?
I learned about Couchsurfing from a girl staying in the same hostel in Baku. It was my first solo trip and I wanted to meet locals so she suggested I meet people through CS.

And what made you get so involved?
I decided to get involved with CS because in CS Events I get to meet with a lot of travelers from whom I can get good information about traveling. But then as my involvement grew, I got interested in hosting people which gave me totally different experience of listening to stories and experiences. Now as an Ambassador, I organize events in my city, host travelers and do some surfing.

Hasan at the CS Karachi Meetup

Very cool! So tell us about your first CS experience.
My first CS experience was to attend a local CS Meetup where I got introduced to the local CS Community in Karachi. With my focus on increasing local activity, I was getting personal references that lead me to have my first guest from Poland.

Meetups are great ways to get involved! Tell us about one of your most interesting experiencing hosting.
My most interesting hosting experience was with two men from Turkey. They stayed with me for 3 days. During that time, a lot of people visited my place to meet them. Everyday would convert into a small meetup. It was hella fun.

Sounds amazing! What about as a surfer?
My most interesting surfing experience was in Odigram, Swat Valley. The host had already prepared a great local dinner for me and the next morning after breakfast, he took me on his car to a nearby town to show me a Buddhist Stupa! I had a great time with him and got to hear lots of stories!

Meetup in Lahore, Pakistan

Wow. Sounds incredible. What is a unique gift you’ve received from a surfer?
Matryoshka doll by a surfer from Russia

Cute! Is there any quote that inspires you?

Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.

Gustave Flaubert
Hasan with his surfer Oleg

Very true words. What is one food everyone needs to try when they come to Pakistan?

And what about one place they need to go?
Empress Market is a place where every traveler should go because that tells a lot about our history from the colonial era.

Empress Market (Aleem Zahid Khan/shutterstock)

And lastly, what is your one piece of advice to new Couchsurfers?
Don’t rush, keep it slow. Things look good at a steady pace.

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