Name: Alle
City: Quito
Years on Couchsurfing: 8
Hey Alle! Tell us why you got involved in Couchsurfing and how you stay involved…
Because it is the way I love to travel and discovering many people around the world share the same thought about it, it was awesome. At the beginning I was attending most events in my city and trips. Then, organizing events and being part of them as an organizer with the local community for bigger events. And of course, hosting and surfing with friends.

Great. And why did you decide to get involved in the Ambassador program?
After being living abroad I landed in Quito, Ecuador and the community was totally offline. No events, no local people trying to make something. So, as a personal goal, I decided to do it. I organized several events; weekly, monthly or couch crashes as We did in Mexico. So it was not easy but I think a lot of Couchsurfers and new members in Quito are more involved day by day. Now we are bigger group with some of them doing their best for the city.
And we’re so glad you are involved! What has been your most interesting hosting experience?
As I was helping a surfer from Colombia, she was sick her first day in Quito. So, she asked me for help to stay for a couple of days at the same time she contacted me with more surfers. At some point we were 5 people and for more than 20 days these 4 girls were hanging out, going and coming back together or solo. The funniest thing was we were sick with different things; stomachache, back pain, flu, etc… really good moments with these friends.

Wow. You were running a mini-clinic! What about as a surfer?
All of them are pretty cool but I remember one of the first ones when Constanza was waiting for me in the airport to take me to her place. That feeling is indescribable!!!
I’ve had a host pick me up from the airport as well, and it’s so nice! Is there any book that has inspired your travels?
This is a good book I read in my time in my new city: “Viajera.” She describes the places in her first time she visited them as a young woman and then as a older woman. To see the big differences 20 or 30 years later is very impressive. In the past it was not as easy as present day.

Sounds amazing! If you could host or surf with any celebrity, who would it be?
It’s not a celebrity but a doll: Chucky doll from Child’s play. Because It is a doll I really like it and most of people don’t know it. So it would be a funny reaction of people when I tell this story and the reason I’m traveling with him.

I am familiar with the doll and it is very creepy! What is a crazy thing that has happened to you while traveling?
I asked a man if he knew any place to stay. All the options he said were full. And suddenly, he said “tú no te preocupes, hoy se quedan en mi casa” (don’t worry, tonight, you guys will stay at my home). I was traveling Mexico with a girlfriend hitchhiking. His wife opened the door and she looked at us with a “what’s going on here…” face but by the end of the night she was telling us all their adventures and the good places to visit in her city and a fantastic dinner!
What is your favorite food from your city?
Tacos de Canasta
Love tacos! What’s a place in Quito with the same values as Couchsurfing?
Café en señas. It is a coffee shop with deaf and mute people as barman and waitresses. We organized language exchanges here to give the people a new experience.
Sounds amazing! And last question, what is your go-to karaoke song?
“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen