By: Laurie

We are in our fifties. We signed up for Couchsurfing for our son to use while he was in college in another state. We decided to host a few young travelers and it turned out they all had something in common. They were all attending a hypnosis conference which is held in our city, so we felt comfortable and knowing the reason for their stay helped us in trusting them.
The second surfer, in his twenties, skyped his parents in Mexico City within minutes of his arrival at our place. His parents wanted to meet us and thank us for hosting their son. This was a very reassuring sign, that Carlos was a good person. Both me and my husband got along with Carlos immediately and when he wanted to borrow our bike or needed a ride, we did not hesitate to say yes!
I love to be a tour guide of our area and was glad to show Carlos around. He was a planner and had a specific place he wanted to go and have lunch, but the timing was tough and we got to the museum within minutes of it closing. I have never had more fun speed walking, running through three stories and 200,000 square feet in fifteen minutes. We laughed and had so much fun together. Then we drove to the restaurant and this is when the magic/serendipity really happened.
Carlos wanted to go to a specific place to eat that he found on Yelp, and when we were at the street light, I very spontaneously said, let’s go to this place over here instead. He questioned my decision and I told him I just had a good feeling it would be good.
Sure enough..we found parking right in front and when we opened the door to the restaurant, you could see his eyes light up as he loved the décor. He said it reminded him of his home in Mexico, and then the hostess was taking us to our seats, and we heard from across the room, a young very pretty lady scream at us and said, “Carlos?” and the next thing I knew Carlos was running into the arms of this young lady who was our waitress. Mind you, he had never visited our area ever before. He was shaking, he was so happy and in disbelief that someone would know him so far from home! It turned out they were both college students together at the University in Mexico City. What a SMALL WORLD!! I wish the story ended with them getting married or something cool like that…Nope…but it is just a good story of trusting your intuition when God guides you turn right instead of left…just do it!
Fantastic coincidence!
But maybe they are better off by not getting married. 😉
Great story. So glad you posted it. Even happier that you are hosting.