What is a Couch Crash?
Great question! A Couch Crash is a multi-day event held by a local Couchsurfing Community. They may happen yearly, every two years, or just once. They are incredible experiences and allow locals to show off their city to travelers (and other residents). It is also an incredible opportunity to meet Couchsurfers from all over the world. Many Couchsurfers travel specifically for these crashes and they always have an incredible energy to them.
Where are they held?
Everywhere! Take a look at the Global Events Calendar to see where the upcoming crashes are. Also check out the community posts on some previous crashes like Veracruz Carnaval, MadCrash 2019, or the traveling WinterCamp – held in a new location annually!

What is the difference between Crashes, Invasions, Camps and National Meetings?
Although there may be minor differences (camps are sometimes at a campground and are not in an urban area) the basic principle is the same in all of these events. Multi-day events held by local communities meant to connect travelers and locals and show off the city!
How do I plan one?
Great question! Here are our top tips for planning a Couch Crash – sourced from the Couchsurfing Ambassadors who have the most experience of anyone in planning these events!

Plan. Plan. Plan. Then plan some more! Get a group of committed organizers together and start getting the plans together. Choose a date (3-6 months in the future). Choose a location (if it is National Event – you will need to choose a city, if it is your City’s Crash – then you already have that done!) Choose locations for events that are central, easy to get to and can fit between 50-200 people depending on the event. Plan to meet regularly with organizers to check on progress and fix any issues that may arise early!
Anchor Events!
Each day should have an anchor event – one main event that can accommodate everyone coming. A large bar or rooftop for a welcome party. A public park for a picnic. A beach party. Somewhere that can be found easily and can accommodate the whole group. Having one ‘anchor’ event each day will allow for smaller events to be planned around it and be more specific to varying interests.
Assign Events!
Have an organizer or active member plan an event that interests them. Having one person in charge of one event makes the whole planning more manageable. Someone loves the history of the city? Great, they can do a walking tour. Someone loves running? Great, have them do a morning run for the event. Someone loves wine? They can do a wine tasting at their favorite bar. You can limit spaces for the smaller events if there are capacity maximums. And feel free to have overlapping events, give people options!

Post it!
Get it all online in a schedule. Have a primary event for the whole CouchCrash. In the info section, have the schedule posted with a link to each sub event. This will help people see what the plan is and attend all the individual events they plan on attending!
If you have a T-shirt design, Couchsurfing can post it on the store so people can order it for themselves and you don’t need to front any costs.

Want more help?
One of our USA Country Ambassadors, Jason, has provided the following tips to help you get your Crash off the ground. He has been instrumental in planning the bi-annual ConnectiCouch Crash in Connecticut, USA for the past few years and has much wisdom to pass on to you!

He has also graciously shared the ConnectiCouch Schedule which he has offered others to use as the basis for planning their own schedule out. You can access it here!
I have to give the organizers of the Bend Oregon CouchCrash credit for the Crash schedule as theirs was the template I used for the Connecti-COUCH one!😁