Name: Jailton
City: Katowice, Poland
Years on Couchsurfing: 11

Hi Jailton! So how did you hear about Couchsurfing?
A friend recommend it to me about this and I decide to become a part of this crazy community!
That’s a great friend! And what made you want to get involved?
Since I was a kid, In my family we are used to sharing and hosting our guests with abundance. When I heard about CS for the first time I knew it was for me and nowadays I support the community hosting travelers, going to events and supporting in Couch Crash organization.
What was your first experience on Couchsurfing?
My father’s dream was see Machu Picchu on his own. I decided to buy our tickets and fly from Brazil to Peru, and in Cuzco we did our first Couchsurfing experience! It was so amazing and up until now we are still friends and years after I went back to Cuzco to see my friend (and first host) again.

That’s so sweet. I’m still friend with many of my hosts as well! So why did you get involved with the Ambassador program?
As a CouchSurfer I’m always trying to spread the real CouchSurfing values and provide (and have) the best experiences ever. As an Ambassador I think I can make it easier and make CS an amazing community.
Perfect answer! And what has been your coolest experience on Couchsurfing so far?
I was traveling with my friend to Easter Island and we couldn’t find a place to stay together and then we decided to split up and stay in different places, it was the best thing ever! From our hosts, we could learn about Rapa Nui culture and make our experience way more fun! In one of those days I caught a tuna fish and we cooked and ate it with some locals… One real wonderful experience.

Incredible. Easter Island is high on my list of places to visit! I’ll get the name of your host later! And what has been the coolest gift you’ve received from a surfer?
I would say that best gifts are always the friendships. CouchSurfing always provides me, real good friends. Other than this, I don’t know why but people normally gift me alcohol. I would try to list them all here and say thank you to all my guests, but the list is huge….
That’s the sign of an excellent host – a long lest of surfers to thank! Speaking of surfers, if you could surf with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
I heard that Elon Musk is planning to go to Mars… Is he on CouchSurfing?
Ha! If he’s not, we should definitely try to get him on. Other than Mars, what is your dream vacation?
Antarctica is on my dream list! If you are reading this and want take me with you or even if you know a less expensive way to get there, let me know. =D
I have linked your profile, so if any of our readers and looking for a travel buddy they can reach out! I heard that if you just roll up to Ushuaia you can find deals on last minute cruises. But that requires you to hang around Ushuaia until something comes along! Lastly, what is one piece of Advice you would give to a new Couchsurfer?
1. Read the profile – If you are planning to stay in peoples place for free at least take some time to read their profile! If someone is hosting you it’s the least you can do, CouchSurfing is to share experiences not free place to stay.
2. Be yourself – No matter if you are host or guest just do what you normally like to do!
3. Follow the rules – Always follow the house rules, if you are not comfortable with them, find another place.
4. Ask before you do – Just because you usually do something in your home, doesn’t mean you should do it in someone else’s home.